Lutheran Women in Mission
Lutheran Women in Mission supports mission outreach and personal spiritual development. Members help with various LWML outreach projects at Faith, in the community and in the world at large via personal service and mite offerings.
LWML celebrated 75 years! Our logo has changed to better represent our organization, its women and mission.
Leader: Carla Russell (440-963-0023)
Check the "Upcoming Events" page for information about LWML-sponsored events happening soon.
Bible Study and Chat Time, Anyone?
Faith’s Women in Mission is trying to organize Bible Study/ Chat Groups for women. They will be small groups, which can meet in homes, at Faith, or on-line. The groups are intended to unite women together, to share ideas, and to share Christ. With these groups our common goal is to become connected with other Christian women at a time suitable for women, working outside of the home. This will be in addition to our wonderful daytime Bible Study opportunities.
After the original set up, the groups will be able to decide what best meets their needs as to time and Frequency. There are abundant downloadable resources available at (Lutheran Women in Mission website) even including podcasts. Sign-up in the Narthex!
Pick up your mite box today and help support the mission of the LWML.
Based on the Biblical account of the widow's mite (Luke 21:1-4), the mite box is intended for regular contributions of "mites" - offerings above and beyond the support given to congregations and the LCMS. Mite Box contributions amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants and implement the LWML program.